With our revolutionary double coated Pro-Tuff Coated cleaning rod for maximum barrel protection. The coated rod rotates with brush to clean your barrel fast & easy!
This superior kit is ready for competition level shooters who demand the best from their gear.
The precision Spear Tip Jags reduce cleaning time significantly when cleaning the bore.
An excellent range or bench kit!
- 8” Working Length Pro-Tuff Coated Swivel Handle Rod
- Brass Muzzle Guard
- (3) Spear Tip Jags For Cleaning: .357/.38 Cal./9mm – 10mm/.40 Cal. – .45 Cal.
- Multi-Caliber Nylon Bore Brush Fits .38-.45 Cal.
- Brass Patch Holder
- Starter sample of 21/4″ Sq. 100% Cotton Flannel Patches
- .25 fl. oz. 1 Step CLP Dropper Bottle
- Reusable Tube with Hang Cap
- Made in USA